Hydrodynamics, the study of water's behavior, explores crucial factors affecting an object's movement in water:
Viscosity: Resistance to Movement Caused by Friction.
Drag = Water Resistance
Form Drag: Competitive swimmers strive for streamlined form to reduce drag, allowing them to cut through the water with minimal resistance.
Turbulent Flow and Eddy: Awareness of turbulent flows is critical for swimmers, influencing their technique to minimize resistance during races.
Wave Drag: Competitive swimmers must be mindful of wave drag. Training often involves drills to minimize the creation of disruptive waves during races.
Frictional Drag: In the competitive swimming world, every millisecond counts. Swimmers shave body hair to reduce frictional drag, gaining a slight but valuable edge in race times.
In both rehabilitation and competitive swimming, having an understanding of hydrodynamics allows tailored steps to optimizing movements in water for either recovery or performance excellence.